Katelin Washmon is a visual artist residing in Houston, TX. Washmon is often motivated by the intangible, exploring abstract states of consciousness within her own visceral intuition. Her emphasis in photography allows her to visually explore the phenomenological effect on the psyche involving domestic space and debris. Artist Statement There is a deeply rooted curiosity for fragmented narrative and childlike inquisition that exists within me and gives life to my work. I am fueled by abstract states of consciousness and feel a need to reveal, clarify, and redefine incongruous relationships. My art explores the unexplored, pushing myself to examine new territories and adventure into unfamiliar confrontations. I am thinking about my own personal experiences as well as universal intimacies. I like to find and bridge impossible gaps, focus on the unknown and emphasize the absurd. I’m motivated by discovery and have a curious attraction to assembling narratives, often focusing on unlikely fragments and abstraction. My work balances on themes of unbalance, for I am often provoked by these misplaced connections. |